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Creating a Work Order


A Work Order allows you to take raw materials and consume them to make another item - your output item. Item formulas and item routings should be set up so that the Work Order will automatically populate the work lines for components, routings, and outside services to create the finished product.

Creating a Work Order Process Steps

Open the App Launcher. Search for Work Orders.

Create a work order for the Parent Item. Click on New.

Fill out the following fields:

  1. Enter the Output Item

    1. The Output Item must have Replenishment System = Work Order.

    2. To create a work order for an item with Replenishment System = Purchase:

      1. Navigate to the Item page.

      2. Look for the Work Order related list

      3. Then click New.

  2. Enter the Quantity.

  3. Enter the Unit of Measure.

  4. Adjust the Start and End times for when the order will be completed.

  5. Take note of the Warehouse and Bins that will be used for the Output and Consumption.

  6. Review the details that are auto-populated on each Work Line from the Item Formula and Item Routings. This section represents all of the steps and materials that will be needed to complete the Work Order.

When complete, select Save.

Note: If you want to use a different formula version that was set up, you can click on the Batch Manufacturing tab to select a different version.



Additional Information

Understand Inventory Position for Components

Before you create a work order:

Multi-Level Formula Report

After you create a work order:

Printing a Work Order Pick Ticket

Warehouse and Output Bin 

If you have more than one warehouse or are using Bin Management, you will want to take note of these fields. This is where your finished product inventory will be placed after posting.  You have the option to change these values, depending on your operational needs and specific process flow. Head to the Warehouse Setup page to learn more. 

Input Bin 

Take note of the Input Bin on your lines. This is where the system will look for available inventory to consume. This information has been defaulted based on how you have configured your Warehouse Setup. You have the option to change these values, depending on your operational needs and specific process flow. You would typically create a Pick ticket for discrete manufacturing to move inventory. If you use batch manufacturing and if your inventory is not in the Input Bin selected, you will have to move inventory by creating a Movement. Head to the Inventory Movements page to learn more. 

Qty. Base and Conversion 

These fields have been populated according to the Unit of Measure that you have selected on your Work Order. If these numbers are not populating as expected, you should review your Output Item's Unit of Measure setup. 

Starting and Ending Date/Time 

In some cases, Work Orders are created in advance to assist with the planning process. You can adjust the Starting and Ending Date/Time fields according to your production plan. These fields also become essential when using the Material Requirements Planning module (MRP). To learn more about MRP, head to the Material Requirements Planning Page. 

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