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Create Vendor Payment for a Purchase Invoice


Instead of mass-creating vendor payments, you can also create Vendor Payments directly on the Purchase Invoice page.


Navigate to the Purchase Invoice page. First, check the Payment Status of the invoice and then click Create Vendor Payment.

GoldFinch will check the following conditions:

  • Document Status = Posted

  • Pending Vendor Payment = blank

  • Remaining Amount is not 0

Payment Date is defaulted to today’s date. You can edit the Payment Date if needed.

GoldFinch uses the Payment Date to calculate possible discounts.

Select the appropriate Bank Account or accept the default.

Document No. for Vendor Payments

GoldFinch will create a new Vendor Payment Batch and a Vendor Payment.

Read Vendor Payment Batch to see how to print checks and post the Vendor Payment Batch.


Once a Vendor Payment is created, the Purchase Invoice will be moved to the Pending Vendor Payments list view.

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