Create Picks from a Work Order
GoldFinch allows you to pick and reserve inventory for a Work Order before it is sent to the Shop Floor.
Picks vs. Movements
Using the pick function allows you to reserve raw material inventory specifically against each work order for inventory accuracy. In certain situations, the tight linkage between inventory and work order would not be efficient. If you find that you frequently:
Have scraps
Need to change the sequence of work orders
Then, movement may be a better option to maximize efficiency. Read Replenishing Production Input Bin for more information.
Navigate to the Warehouse page and check the Enable Pick on Work Order field.
Set up separate bins other than the Input bin to store inventory in the Warehouse. You cannot pick from the Input bin. When the Pick Ticket is posted, inventory is moved to the Input bin for consumption.
Processing Steps
On the Work Order, click Create Pick to create a Pick Ticket.
Review the inventory status.
You can pick partially, but you cannot create multiple open pick tickets per Work Order.
On the Work Order, you can click the Open Pick field to navigate to the Pick Ticket.
You don’t have to pick fully before you create a Production Journal. But before you post the Production Journal, you must have picked enough inventory to cover the Consumption Qty., or you will not be able to post.
When the Pick Ticket is posted, the Pick Status for the Work Order will be automatically updated from None to Fully Picked or Partially Picked.
Create and Post Product Journals as usual.
Additional Information
You can create multiple special Work Orders for one Sales Order. After you create the Work Orders, and if you want to mass create Pick Tickets, you can navigate to the Sales Order page → Work Order related list. Select all Work Orders, then click Create Picks.
On the Pick Ticket list, you can select multiple picket tickets to print a consolidated pick instructions document. This could be useful if you want to pick and reserve inventory for all Work Orders belonging to a Sales Order.