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Create Bills of Lading


You can create a Bill of Lading from a Whse. Shipment.

Create the Order Level BOL

Open the App Launcher. Search for Whse Shipment.

Select Create BOL from a posted Warehouse Shipment.  You must ensure there's a Shipping Agent defined on the warehouse shipment before beginning the BOL process.

 A new BOL will be created with all of the information populated from the Warehouse Shipment.

You may choose to Edit any details needed.

If the Freight Terms are defined as 'Third Party', the Third Party billing information will need to be populated.

Print Straight Bill of Lading

If the BOL is a singular shipment, print the Straight Bill of Lading.  If the BOL is a part of a shipment that will include other BOLs and will be included in a Master BOL, continue creating BOL documents for all Warehouse Shipments without printing the Straight BOL.

Select Print Straight BOL.

Example Straight Bill of Lading PDF:


Master Level BOL Creation

Once you have completed creating the Order Level BOL documents, you can move to the Master BOL Document process.

From one of the Order Level BOL Documents you just created, click the Clone button.

This will create a BOL that will copy all of the Header information from the Order Level.

Click the Edit button to edit the BOL.

Put a check in the Master Bill of Lading field.

Edit the Alt Shipping address information and any other data needed.

Consolidate the BOLs

After you have the Master BOL created, you will need to link the Order Level BOLs to the Master.  From the Master BOL, select Consolidate

You will have a list of all Order Level BOLs that have not yet been linked to a Master BOL, with the same Sell-to Customer.

  1. Select all BOLs to add to the Master BOL by putting a check in the Select field.

  2. Click Add to Master.

You will now see all Order Level BOLs added to the BOLs-related section of the Master BOL.

Print the VICS Document

From the Master BOL, select Print VICS BOL.

This will generate a report that prints the Master BOL document as well as all underlying BOL documents.

Example BOL Vics PDF:


Editing the Master BOL

If at any time you need to edit the Master BOL to add or delete the BOLs linked to the Master, click the Consolidate button from the Master BOL and either add additional BOLs or remove existing BOLs.


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