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Create Transfer Orders


Transfer Orders allow you to move inventory between warehouses while keeping track of the items during transit.

Steps to Create a Transfer Order

Open the App Launcher and search for Transfer Orders.

Click New to create a new Transfer Order.

Enter the following fields for the Transfer Order:

  • From Warehouse: The warehouse from which the items will be shipped.

  • To Warehouse: The warehouse where the items will be received.

  • In-Transit Warehouse: If a Transfer Route is defined for the selected warehouses, this field will be automatically populated. If not, manually enter the In-Transit Warehouse.

  • Order Date: Defaults to today’s date but can be overridden.

  • Shipment Date: The expected date for the items to be shipped from the From Warehouse.

  • Expected Receipt Date: The anticipated date for receiving the items at the To Warehouse.

  • Optional - Actual Receipt Date: Populates the actual receipt date on the Warehouse Receipt after the items are received.

Enter Items to be Transferred:

  • In the Lines section of the order, click Add Lines to add the items to be transferred.

  • Enter the Item(s), Unit of Measure, and Quantity for each item.

Save the Transfer Order:

  • When you save the Transfer Order, GoldFinch will automatically allocate inventory to the Transfer Lines based on the Item, Unit of Measure, and Warehouse specified.

Allocate Inventory:

  • After inventory updates (such as restocking), click the Allocate button to update the allocated inventory.

  • If you do not want to allocate inventory for this specific Transfer Order, check the Do Not Allocate field.

Print the Transfer Order:

  • To print a PDF of the Transfer Order, select Print Transfer Order from the saved Transfer Order.

More Information

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