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Company Setup

This table has the company's relevant information and company-wide default setups. Most fields are populated by the post-installation script. Exercise extra caution when updating this table.

Field Label

Field Level Help

Account AP

This should be set to the main Accounts Payable GL Account.

Account AR

This should be set to the main Accounts Receivable GL Account.

Account Capacity Expense

This account is used when a Work Order is posted with capacity costs, such as labor. Create a new GL Account next to the Payroll GL Account. It is used as a contra Payroll GL Account.

Account Capacity Variance

This account is used when a Work Order is posted and there is a variance between the standard cost of the capacity vs. the finalized cost.

Account Current Year Earnings

It is calculated automatically on the Financial Reports. Do not post any amount directly to this account.

Account Customer Payment Discount

When the Enable Cash Receipt field is checked, this account is used when a receipt payment is posted with a payment discount.

Account Exchange Gain/Loss

Account Finished Good Inventory

This should be set to the main Finished Good Inventory GL account. Transaction posted for an Item with the inventory Class of 'Finished Goods' will affect this account.

Account Indirect Capacity Expense

This account is used when a Work Order is posted with indirect capacity costs, such as supplies, or utilities.

Account Inventory Adjustment

This GL account will be affected when positive or negative inventory adjustments are processed. (Note: This account must be an expense account that is in the COGS section of the Chart of Accounts.)

Account Material Variance

This account is used when a Work Order is posted and there is a variance between the standard cost of the finished good item vs. the finalized cost.

Account Payment Discount

Account Purchase Price Variance

This account is used when the actual purchase price paid for an Item is different from the standard cost of the Item when a purchase invoice is posted.

Account Purchase Tax Payable

When a Purchase Invoice is posted with a purchase tax calculation, this account will be credited.

Account Raw Material Inventory

This should be set to the main Raw Material Inventory GL account. Transaction posted for an Item with the inventory Class of 'Raw Materials' will affect this account.

Account Retained Earnings

It is calculated automatically on the Financial Reports. Do not post any amount directly to this account.

Account Sales Tax Payable

When a sales invoice is posted with a sales tax calculation, this account will be credited.

Account Subassembly Inventory

This should be set to the main Subassembly Inventory GL account.  Transaction posted for an Item with the inventory Class of 'Subassembly' will affect this account.  (Note: Do not use the same GL Account you have setup for the WIP account.  If you do, you will not be able to reconcile the inventory subledger with the inventory GL accounts.)

Account Undeposited Cash

When the Enable Cash Receipt field is checked, this account is used to capture the amount of a cash receipt posted before the receipt is applied to an invoice.

Account Vendor Payment Discount

Account WIP Inventory

This GL Account will be affected during the manufacturing work order posting process.  (Note: This account must be a Balance Sheet account that is in the inventory section of the COA.  You may not use the same GL account you are using for Account Subassembly Inventory.)

Allocation Method

Mass allocate sales orders based on either Priority & Shipment Date, or Order No.

Allow Create WS for Special Orders

If checked, Whse. Shipment can be created for Sales Lines with Purchase Type = Special Order, and if Work Order or Purchase Order is created for the lines.

Allow Posting From

The first date in a range a user is permitted to post transactions.  If a User Setup record is defined for the current user, the allowed date range on the User Setup will take precedent over the date range set up on the Company Setup for that user only.

Allow Posting To

The last date in a range a user is permitted to post transactions.  If a User Setup record is defined for the current user, the allowed date range on the User Setup will take precedent over the date range set up on the Company Setup for that user only.

Allow Scan Packing Slip

If checked, barcodes will be printed on the Packing Slip for scanning.

Barcode Generator

By default, BarcodeInc’s URL is used to generate barcodes in GoldFinch. In case BarcodeInc’s URL is not available (which should be very rare), BarcodeTec’s URL can be used to generate barcodes temporarily.

Bypass Qty. Check When Post 

If checked, GoldFinch will not check the consistency between the Qty. Base on Hand, the Qty. Base on Bin Content, and the Remaining Qty. Base on Hand for all items during posting.  This field should not be checked in a production instance.  This field could be checked in the Sandbox because when creating the Sandbox instances, Salesforce only copies a subset of inventory transactions from the live instance.

Calculate EDI Price Discrepancy

Company City

The company's city used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Company Country

The company's country used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Company Logo

The company's logo used on documents printed out of GoldFinch.  Do not exceed the size of 250 x 250 pixels.

Company Postal Code

The company's postal code used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Company State

The company's state used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Company Street

The company's street used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Custom Sales Price

If checked, Base Unit of Measure and Base Qty. will be displayed on the Sales Order page and Delivered Unit of Measure and Delivered Qty. will be display on the Purchase Order page. This field is used for companies who have unique pricing structure.

Customer Prepayment Item

The Service Item that will be used to handle Customer Prepayments on Sales Orders.

Customer Service Contact

The company's service contact used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Customer Service Email

The company's service email used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Customer Service Fax

The company's service fax number used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Customer Service Phone

The company's service phone number used on documents printed out of GoldFinch

Default Bank Account

Default Currency

Used as the default Currency when a new transaction document is created.

Default Days to Receive

When a Purchase Order is entered, the Expected Receipt Date on the PO will default to the Order Date + Days to Receive.

Default Days to Ship

When a Sales Order is entered,  the Shipment Date on the SO will default to the Order Date + Days to Ship.

Default Do Not Allocate

If checked, the Do Not Allocate field on sales orders or transfer order will be checked, and inventory will not be allocated automatically on a sales order or on a transfer order. 

Default GL Ledger

Default is blank, unless you want to track multiple ledgers in GoldFinch.

Default Lot Days to Expire

The default number of days a newly entered lot will expire. If an Item is setup with a difference number of days in the Lot Days to Expire field, the information on the Item setup will take precedent over this this global default setting when a new lot is entered for that Item.

Default New Lines to Insert

Default number of new lines to insert when Add Lines is selected on various entry forms.

Default Output Qty to 1 for Batch WO

Used for Batch Manufacturing. If it is checked, the Production Journal will be created for one batch only, even if the remaining batches are more than 1.

Default Output with Standard Cost

If checked, the current Standard Cost on the item will now be used as the default Unit Cost on the Work Order.  Read Costing Work Orders with Long Duration Times for more details.

Default Payment Term

Used as the default Payment Term when a new transaction document is created.

Default Put-away to Sales Unit of Measure

If checked, To Unit of Measure on the Put-away document created from Whse. Receipt will be defaulted to the Sales Unit of Measure.

Default Tax Area

Used as the default Tax Area when a new transaction document is created.

Default Unit of Measure

Used as the default Base Unit of Measure when creating a new item.

Default Warehouse

Used as the default Warehouse when a new transaction document is created.

Disable Standard Costing Method

If checked, the Standard Costing method will not be allowed when creating a new Items.

Disable Work Order Due Date

Display AR Details on Sales Order

If GoldFinch is integrated with Accounting Seed, checking this field will display the Open Account Receivables on the Sales Order edit page.

Enable Actual Landed Cost Assignment

If checked, Actual Landed Cost assignment, instead of the default Accrual Landed Cost assignment will be used. Refer to the documentation for more details.

Enable Advanced Estimate

If checked, it is possible set up Landed Cost % based on item, and additional criteria such as from and to destinations.

Enable By Product

If checked, the By Product functionality will be utilized in the manufacturing app.  Review By Product document for more information.

Enable Bypass Shipment

If it is checked, Sales Invoice can be used to enter inventory items directly, bypassing Sales Order, and Whse. Shipment

Enable Customer Receipt

If checked, certain Customer Receipt functionalities will be turned on. Read online help for more information.

Enable Catch Weight

If checked, the Catch Weight functionality will be utilized.  Review Catch Weight document for more information. 

Enable Cross Reference Search

If checked, the Cross Reference No. will be displayed on the Sales Order page as an additional field to search for an item. Only Cross Reference with Blocked = false will be used.

Enable Customer Vendor Filter

If checked, GoldFinch will only search Accounts with Is Customer = true when entering a new Sales Order or a new Sales Invoice, and Accounts with Is Vendor = true when entering a new Purchase Order or a new Purchase Invoice.

Enable Free of Charge

If checked, additional fields will be displayed on the Purchase Order page to accommodate buy x get y free purchasing arrangement.

Enable GL Account on Invoice

Enable GTIN Search

With this field checked, the GTIN field will be visible on the Sales Order Line and Transfer Order Line pages and can be used to search for an item.

Exclude Expired Inventory in Allocation

If checked, expired inventory for lot tracked items will not be included in the allocation.

GL Integration Batch Size

The maximum number of records in a GL Integration Batch before a new batch is created.  To maintain General Ledger integrity the whole GL Batch, instead of each of the GL entries, will be sent to the accounting program such as Quick Books Online or Accounting Seed.  The default size should be 500 to minimize issues with the Adjust Cost routine and the Accounting Seed integration.

Include Pending Receipts in Allocation

If checked, Outstanding Qty. on Purchase Lines, with Expected Receipt Date up to the Allocation Cut Off Date defined on the Demand Planning Setup, will be included as available allocation inventory.

Invoice Discount

When an invoice discount is calculated on a sales invoice, this service item will be added to the sales invoice to capture the discount amount.

Max Formula Levels

The maximum number of Formula Levels that can be defined for manufactured items.  The default level is 5.  

No. of Records to Display on Pages

The default number of records to show on various Visualforce pages (such as Transfer Order, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Order, Whse Activity, Whse Receipt, and Enter Lots pages)

Operating Bank

The company’s operating Bank Account.

QC Contact Information

The quality control contact printed on the Certificate of Analysis.

QC Plant Manager

The quality control plan manager printed on the Certificate of Analysis.

Show Line No.

Control where to display Line No. column on transaction pages. (0: hide the column, 1: display as the column, 2: display as the last column )

Sort Lines By

Default Sort Lines By field on Purchase Order and Sales Order objects and can be changed on the Sales Order or Purchase Order Edit page. If this field is blank, the Sort By field will not be visible on the Sales Order or Purchase Order Edit page, and by default, lines are sorted by Line No.

Supply Plan Calculation v2+

Tax ID No.

The company’s tax ID number.

Use Actual Registered Time

If checked, the actual Run Time Registered on Work Line will be used when a Production Journal is created.

Use Ending Date to Get Formula

If checked, GoldFinch will use the Work Order's Ending Date instead of Starting Date to look for an active Formula version to use.

Use Expiration Date as Lot No

If checked, the Expiration Date of the Lot to be received on the Warehouse Receipt will be used as the Lot Number

Use Product Configurator

If checked, Item Configuration fields will be used to generate Item No. when creating new items.

Use Posting Date for Purch. Invoice Date

If checked, the Invoice Date to be used when posting a Purchase Invoice will be the Posting Date

Use Posting Date for Sales Invoice Date

If checked, the Invoice Date to be used when posting a Sales Invoice will be the Posting Date

Vendor Prepayment Item

The Service Item that will be used to handle Vendor Prepayments on Purchase Orders.

Work Hours Per Day

This field is used to calculate the available labor capacity for the company.

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