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Combine Warehouse Shipments


Warehouse Shipments with an 'Open' Document Status that share the same Customer, Alternate Shipping, and Warehouse can be combined into a single new Warehouse Shipment.

Combining Shipments

  • Open the App Launcher and search for Whse Shipments.

In GoldFinch, you can combine multiple Warehouse Shipments by following these steps:

  • From the Whse Shipments list, select the Warehouse Shipments to combine.

  • Click the Combine Shipments button.

Note: If any errors are found, a message will display, and the errors must be corrected before proceeding.

If the shipments can be combined, click the Combine Shipments button again to complete the process. The shipments must share the same Customer, Alternate Shipping, and Warehouse.

  • The existing Warehouse Shipments that were combined will be deleted, and a new Warehouse Shipment will be created with all lines from the combined shipments.

  • The newly created Warehouse Shipment will have the Combined Shipment field checked, indicating that it consists of multiple shipments.

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