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Close a Purchase Order


If you have a Purchase Order where a partial receipt has been processed and you will not receive the remainder of the order, you have the ability to Close a Purchase Order to allow you to track the amount ordered vs. the amount received.

This function will mark the order as closed and you will not have the ability to make any additional changes to the closed order.

You have the ability to close an entire purchase order or individual lines.  

Close an Entire Purchase Order

Open the App Launcher. Search for Purchase Orders.

If a purchase order meets the following requirements, you can Close a purchase order with the remaining outstanding quantity:

  • All open Warehouse Receipts have been posted.

  • Closed Purchase Orders will not be included in the demand planning as part of the supply.

Open the Purchase Order and select the Close button.

 The Closed field on the Purchase Order will be checked, and the Document Status will change to Completed.

Close a Purchase Order Line

If a purchase line meets the following requirements, you have the ability to Close the line with the remaining outstanding quantity.

  • All open Warehouse Receipts associated with the purchase line have been posted.

  • All posted Warehouse Receipts associated with the purchase line have been invoiced.

  • Closed Purchase Lines will not be included as part of the supply in the demand planning.

Click on the Edit button to edit the Purchase Order.

Reopen a Purchase Order

After a Purchase Order has been closed, you have the ability to Reopen it.

Select the Reopen button on the Purchase Order

The Closed field on the Purchase Order will be unchecked.

Reopen a Purchase Order Line

If you manually close a purchase line, click on the Edit button to edit the Purchase Order, then uncheck the Close Line field on the purchase line.

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