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Clone Work Order


GoldFinch allows you to create new Work Orders quickly by cloning an existing Work Order. This feature is useful when you want to replicate a previous Work Order while retaining flexibility to refresh certain fields or keep the original work lines.

Steps to Clone a Work Order:

  1. Locate the Work Order you want to clone.

  2. Click on the Clone button on the Work Order page.

When cloning, you can choose how much of the original Work Order’s information to carry over by using the Keep Lines when Refreshing field.

Options for Cloning:

Unchecking Keep Lines when Refreshing:

  • Behavior: With the Keep Lines when Refresh field unchecked, the following information will be copied:

    • Header Information: The header details from the original Work Order will be copied, but the Work Order’s starting date will default to today's date.

    • Work Lines: The work lines for the cloned Work Order will be generated with up-to-date information from the setup of the output item. This means any changes made to the original work lines (if different from the default setup) will not be carried over.

Checking Keep Lines when Refreshing:

  • Behavior: With the Keep Lines when Refresh field checked, the following information will be copied:

    • Header Information: The header information will be copied with today’s date as the Work Order’s starting date.

    • Work Lines: The exact work lines from the original Work Order will be copied into the new Work Order. Any changes made to the original work lines will be preserved.

This flexibility in cloning ensures you can replicate existing Work Orders efficiently while maintaining control over whether you want to keep or refresh the work lines based on current configurations.

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