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Clone to Create New Warehouse


The most efficient way to create a new warehouse is to clone an existing one.  Cloning a warehouse will create both a new warehouse as well as bins associated with the new warehouse. 

Cloning Warehouses

Open the App Launcher. Search for Warehouses.

Select the Clone button from an existing warehouse

Enter the new warehouse name and description.

A new warehouse will be created with the same warehouse setup.  A duplicate copy of the Bins will also be created for this new warehouse.  

Manually make adjustments to the setup as needed.

Manually Create a Warehouse

Alternatively, you can manually create a new warehouse and bins using the following steps.

Create a new warehouse.  Leave the Bin Mandatory field unchecked and leave all of the Bin fields empty.  Save the Warehouse.

Create any Bins required for the Warehouse

Update the Warehouse with the Bin fields and put a check in the Bin Mandatory field.  

All warehouses must have the Bin Mandatory field checked and the bin fields entered before it can be used to post transactions.

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