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Customer Receipt

Field Label

Field Level Help


The Amount being received

Applied Amount

Amount - Remaining Amount

Bank Account

Bank Account used for the Customer Receipt

Bank Deposit

Populated automatically by Bank Deposit function

Bank Transaction

Populated automatically by the Bank Connect function

Batch Post Error

Populated automatically by the Batch Posting routine

Batch Post Status

Populated automatically by the Batch Posting routine

Bypass AR

Bypass AR

Bill-to Customer

The Customer Account responsible for payment.

Chargeback Amount

Populated automatically by Chargeback function.

Currency Code

The Currency in which payment is received.

Currency Factor

Conversion factor from the Currency being received to the Default Currency defined on the Company Setup.

Customer Ledger Entry

Populated when the Customer Receipt is posted. It is used to retrieve Remaining Amount and Applied Amount


Area for entering details regarding the Cash Receipt.

Document Date

Date that the Cash Receipt document was created in GoldFinch.

Document No.

Reference number used for identifying the Cash Receipt.

Document Status

The Status of the Cash Receipt. Either Open or Posted.

GL Amount

The Amount posted to the GL.

GL Ledger

GL Ledger for the transaction. Default is blank.

Payment Method

The method of payment being received. Possible values: Check, ACH, Credit Card, Wire Transfer, Cash. The picklist values are customizable.

Payment Type

The type of payment being received. Possible values: Customer Receipt, Customer Prepayment, Vendor Refund, Other Receipt. The picklist values are customizable.

Posting Date

Posting Date of the Cash Receipt.

Processing Fee

Used with Stripe Cash Receipt integration

Processing Fee GL Account

Used with Stripe Cash Receipt integration

Processing GL Fee

Used with Stripe Cash Receipt integration

Revenue GL Account

Select a GL Revenue Account to bypass AR

Remaining Amount

Retrieved from Customer Ledger Entry

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