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Calculation Line

Field Label

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Defines the type of action being taken by the Calculation Line. Possible values: New, Cancel, Change Qty., Reschedule, or Change Both.

Batch Manufacturing

Indicates if Batch Manufacturing is being used.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Calculation Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Due Date

The Due Date to be used when executing the Calculation Line.

Exploded Demand

Indicates if calculated demand should be shown at the Component level.

Formula Version

The Formula Version of the Line Item.


The Item on the Calculation Line.


A descriptive message for the Calculation Line.

Order Date

The Order Date to be used when executing the Calculation Line.

Orig. Due Date

The Original Due Date of the transaction associated with the Calculation Line. Used if the Calculation Line is updating an existing transaction.

Original Date

The Original Date of the transaction associated with the Calculation Line. Used if the Calculation Line is updating an existing transaction.

Original Qty.

The Original Quantity on the transaction Line associated with the Calculation Line. Used if the Calculation Line is updating an existing transaction.

Plan Date

The date for which the calculated plan is based on.

Purchase Line

The specific Purchase Line associated with the Calculation Line.

Purchasing Agent

The specific Purchasing Agent associated with the SKU.

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


The Quantity on the Calculation Line.

Replenishment System

Defines the type of order that will be created upon processing the requisition.  The options are: Purchase Order or Work Order.


(not available in the application)

The Requisition associated with the Calculation Line.

Requisition Line

(not available in the application)

The specific Requisition Line associated with the Calculation Line.

Sales Forecast Line

The specific Sales Forecast Line associated with the Calculation Line.

Sales Forecast Name

The name of the Sales Forecast associated with the Calculation Line.

Sales Line

The specific Sales Line associated with the Calculation Line.


Indicates if the Calculation Line is demand- or supply-driven.

Source Type

The type of transaction or indicator responsible for generating the Calculation Line.

Supply Plan

The Supply Plan associated with the Calculation Line.

Transfer Line

The specific Transfer Line associated with the Calculation Line.

Transfer-from Warehouse

The Warehouse that the Line Item will be transferred from.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure of the Item on the Calculation Line.


The Warehouse that the Calculation Line is planning for.

Work Line

The specific Work Line associated with the Calculation Line.

Work Order

The Work Order associated with the Calculation Line.

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