Field Label | Field Level Help |
Alternate Shipping | Defined on the Customer Account record. Used if the Ship-to Address is different from the Bill-to Address. |
Bill-to Customer | The Customer Account to be billed. |
Billing City | The city of the Customer Account to be billed. |
Billing Country | The country of the Customer Account to be billed. |
Billing Postal Code | The postal of the Customer Account to be billed. |
Billing State | The state of the Customer Account to be billed. |
Billing Street | The street address of the Customer Account to be billed. |
BOL Bar Code | Bar code of the VICS BOL No. |
BOL Date | The date that the BOL was generated. |
BOL Lines | Total number of BOL Lines on the BOL. |
C.O.D. Amount | C.O.D. Amount to be paid on delivery. |
C.O.D. Payment Method | The C.O.D. Payment Method. Possible values: Prepaid, Collect, or Customer Check. |
CID No. | The CID No. |
Consignee City | The city of the consignee (receiver). |
Consignee Country | The country of the consignee (receiver). |
Consignee Name | The name of the consignee (receiver). |
Consignee Postal Code | The postal code of the consignee (receiver). |
Consignee State | The state of the consignee (receiver). |
Consignee Street | The street address of the consignee (receiver). |
Customer PO No. | The PO Number as seen by the Customer. External reference in GoldFinch. |
Declared Value | The Declared Value of the Shipment to be used in conjunction with the Declared Value per. Ex: $200 per Box. |
Declared Value per | The Declared Value per of the Shipment. Possible values: Box, Bulk, Carton, Drum, Pallet, Pieces, Skid, or Tote. |
Delivery Date | The Delivery Date of the Shipment. |
Description | Additional information about the BOL/Shipment can be entered here. |
Document Status | Updated manually in GoldFinch. Either Open or Released. |
Freight Terms | The agreed upon Freight Terms for the Shipment. Possible values: Prepaid, Collect or Third Party. |
Hazardous Materials | Indicates if the Shipment contains hazardous materials. |
HazMat Contact | The Contact for Shipments containing hazardous materials, if applicable. |
HazMat Phone | The phone number of the HazMat Contact, if applicable. |
Inside Delivery | Indicates if the Shipment is defined for inside delivery. |
Inside Pickup | Indicates if the Shipment is defined for inside pickup. |
Lift Gate | Indicates if a liftgate is required for delivery. |
Lift Gate Service - Dest | Indicates if a liftgate is required at the destination. |
Lift Gate Service - Org | Indicates if a liftgate is required at the origin. |
Load No. | The Load No for the shipment. |
Master Bill of Lading | Indicates if the BOL has a corresponding child BOL. |
Notify before Delivery | Indicates if the receiver should be notified prior to delivery. |
Origin City | The city that the BOL is shipped from. |
Origin Contact | The contact that the BOL is shipped from. |
Origin Country | The country that the BOL is shipped from. |
Origin Name | The name that the BOL is shipped from. |
Origin Postal Code | The postal code that the BOL is shipped from. |
Origin State | The state that the BOL is shipped from. |
Origin Street | The street address that the BOL is shipped from. |
Parent BOL | The BOL Number of the corresponding Parent BOL, if one exists. |
Primary Whse. Shipment | The corresponding GoldFinch Whse. Shipment. |
PRO No. | The PRO No. for the Shipment. |
Purchase Order | The Purchase Order that is linked to the BOL. |
Purchaser City | The purchaser city to be printed on a Canada Customs Invoice. |
Purchaser Country | The purchaser country to be printed on a Canada Customs Invoice. |
Purchaser Name | The purchaser name to be printed on a Canada Customs Invoice. |
Purchaser Postal Code | The purchaser postal code to be printed on a Canada Customs Invoice. |
Purchaser State | The purchaser state to be printed on a Canada Customs Invoice. |
Purchaser Street | The purchaser street to be printed on a Canada Customs Invoice. |
Residential Delivery | Indicates if the Shipment is defined as a residential delivery. |
Residential Pickup | Indicates if the Shipment is defined for residential pickup. |
Sales Order | The Sales Order that is linked to the BOL. |
Seal No. | The Seal No. to print on the BOL. |
Sell-to Customer | The Sell-to Customer Account. |
Ship to Name | The name of the shipper. |
Shipment Verified | Indicates by whom the shipment was verified. Possible values: By Shipper, By Driver / pallets said to contain, or By Driver/Pieces. |
Shipper FOB | FOB from the shipper. |
Shipping Agent | The Shipping Agent used for the Shipment. |
Shipping City | The city of the shipper. |
Shipping Contact | The Contact at the shipping location. |
Shipping Country | The country of the shipper. |
Shipping FOB | FOB to the receiving location. |
Shipping Postal Code | The postal code of the shipper. |
Shipping State | The state of the shipper. |
Shipping Street | The street address of the shipper. |
SID No. | The SID No. to be printed on the BOL. |
Special Instructions | Special instructions to be printed on the BOL. |
Stop No. | The stop number along the delivery route. |
Total Gross Weight | Total Net Weight + Total Pallet Weight |
Total Net Weight | Sum of the Weight field on all associated BOL Lines where Line Type = Carrier Information. |
Total Pallet Weight | The Total Pallet Weight. Entered manually. |
Total Quantity | Sum of the Quantity field on all associated BOL Lines. |
Trailer Loaded | Who the trailer was loaded by. Either By Shipper or By Driver. |
Trailer No. | The Trailer No. to be printed on the BOL. |
Transfer Order | The Transfer Order that is linked to the BOL. |
VICS BOL No. | Automatically populated by GoldFinch. |
Warehouse | The shipping Warehouse. |