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Bin Content

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True if there are Items available for picking. (Pick Qty. or Quantity is not 0)

Available to Pick

Quantity - On Pick - On Shipment

Avail. to Pick Base

Available to Pick * Conversion

Average Base Cost

The Average Base Cost of the associated Item.


The Bin associated with the Bin Content record.

Bin Ranking

The Bin Ranking value from the associated Bin record. Used to determine pick and put-away Bin priority.

Bin Sort

The Bin Sort value from the associated Bin record.

Bin Type

The Bin Type value from the associated Bin record. Defines the valid activities for the selected Bin. Can be one or more of the following: Pick, Put Away, Receive, or Ship.


The Blocked value from the associated Bin record.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure


The Description of the Item.

Expiration Date

The Lot Expiration Date of Item Lot.

Inventory Value

Qty. Base * Average Base Cost


The Bin Content Item.

Item Lot

The Lot No. of the Bin Content Item.

Lot Days to Expire

The Lot Days to Expire value from the associated Item record.

Lot Tracked

The Lot Tracked value from the associated Item record.

Manufacture Date

The Lot Manufacture Date of Item Lot.

OMS Allocated

Sum of the Quantity field from Product Allocation table with Posted = false

OMS Allocated Base

OMS Available * Conversion

OMS Available

Quantity - OMS Allocated


The Pick value from the associated Bin Type record.

On Pick

Sum of the Quantity field of all associated Warehouse Activity Lines where Entry Type = Pick and Document Status = Open

On Pick Base

Pick Qty. * Conversion

Qty. Base

Quantity * Conversion


The Bin Content Quantity.

Serial No.

The Serial No. of the Bin Content Item.

On Shipment

Sum of the Quantity field for all Tracking Allocations on Whse. Shipment

On Shipment Base

Tracking Qty. (WS) * Conversion

Unit of Measure

The Bin Content Unit of Measure.


The Warehouse where the Bin Content is stored.

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