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Bill of Lading Setup


The Bill of Lading (BOL) is a freight shipping document that provides a detailed list of shipped goods and serves as a receipt upon delivery. Before creating a Bill of Lading, certain fields need to be set up.

Shipping Agent

When creating or editing a Shipping Agent:

  • Enter the SCAC code.

  • The SCAC code will print on the VICS BOL document.


  • The Address information from the Warehouse is transferred to the Ship-from Address on the BOL.

  • Scroll down the Warehouse page to the BOL section.

  • BOL Defaults can be defined here as the default values for all BOLs created from the warehouse.

  • For VICS BOLs, the UCC is required. This is a 17-digit code consisting of the UCC number, a unique BOL number, and a check digit.

    • If you do not have a UCC, enter 9 zeros (000000000) in the UCC field.


Define the Shipping Information for each item.


Define the default Freight Terms and any Special BOL Instructions for the Account.

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