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Admin Basics

As a general rule of thumb, each organization should have an appointed Admin.  This user will typically have more access than the other users and will be the gatekeeper for requests coming from internal staff.  This person will typically be both a Salesforce and a GoldFinch super user; sometimes they will also be the project lead for your GoldFinch Implementation.  

As you know, the Salesforce platform is very flexible and powerful - this section is not intended to cover the wide range of Salesforce capabilities.  Instead, it highlights some of the most common Administrative features that are used in GoldFinch Implementations.  As the Salesforce Admin, we suggest you take advantage of the vast amount of materials you can find in both the Salesforce Help Documentation as well as the Salesforce Trailblazer Community - where people like you are corroborating every day. 

If you have opted to work with an Implementation Specialist on your project, your training may include some of the Administrative topics in this section.  




The word Org refers to the Salesforce site that you and your colleagues log into with your user name and password.  When we create a Sandbox, that is considered an Org as well.  Each Org has a unique ID. 

Live Org

Your Live Org is the Org that you use to manage your business, this is where you can log in to see up to date information.  You always want to make sure you are keeping accurate data in your live org. 

Sandbox Org

Depending on your licensing, you are able to create a Sandbox Org from your Live Org.  This is used for developing or testing new features you are exploring.  You can freely add and remove data from the Sandbox to test, as it is not your live data. 

Sandbox Name

Each sandbox gets a name. During GoldFinch implementation, you will typically have one sandbox called "design" and another called "uat"

Live Login 

When logging into a Live Org, use with your live username and password

Sandbox Login 

When logging into a Sandbox Org, use with your live username followed by a period and the sandbox name.  For example, if your live username is and your sandbox is called "design" your sandbox user name will be

At first, your password will be the same as live, but depending on your password policies they can be different. 

App Launcher

The App Launcher is the small grid in the upper left corner of Salesforce.  In here you will find all of the Apps you have access to, as well as a listing of all objects that you have access to. 


An App is just a set of tabs to allow you to quickly get to areas of the system.  Salesforce comes with Apps, GoldFinch comes with Apps and you can make your own Apps as well. 


You can get to Salesforce setup by clicking the gear in the right-hand corner of your screen.  Depending on what screen you are already on, you might see different options.  If you have access, you will always see Setup.  This will open up the Salesforce Setup Home Page.  This area is vast and we recommend that you consult with us before modifying any of your settings.

Object Designer

Within Salesforce Setup, you will have an Object Designer tab.  You can view and edit all objects in this area.  


If you are using GoldFinch, you have the GoldFinch Managed Package installed in your Org. This is a bundle of objects and functionality that is packaged together for easy deployment.  This is also how you get the latest updates of the GoldFinch app.

To see all of your Installed Packages, you can search for "Installed Packages" in the Quick Find in Setup.  Because GoldFinch is a Managed Package, you are limited to what areas of the package you are allowed to view and edit. 

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