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Adjusting Whse. Receipt Cost


It is crucial to accurately enter the Unit Cost on the Purchase Order before creating the Whse. Receipt. This Unit Cost will be used to calculate costs for outbound transactions, such as Sales Invoices, before the Purchase Invoice is posted.

Steps to Fix Whse. Receipt Cost Before Posting the Purchase Invoice:

  1. Unpost and Delete the Whse. Receipt:

    • Unpost and delete the existing Whse. Receipt to correct the Unit Cost on the Purchase Order.

    • After correcting the Unit Cost, recreate and repost the Whse. Receipt with the updated information.

  2. Unpost Outbound Transactions:

    • If the received inventory has already been used in outbound transactions (e.g., sales or transfers), you will need to unpost those outbound transactions to make the necessary corrections.

  3. Wait for the Actual Purchase Invoice (Alternative):

    • Alternatively, you can wait for the Purchase Invoice to be posted. Once the Purchase Invoice is posted, GoldFinch will automatically adjust the Whse. Receipt cost and update any outbound transactions, ensuring all entries reflect the correct Unit Cost.

Steps to Fix Whse. Receipt Cost After Posting the Purchase Invoice:

If the Purchase Invoice has already been posted, you will need to adjust the Whse. Receipt cost by:

  1. Unpost the Purchase Invoice:

    1. If possible, unpost the Purchase Invoice to correct the Unit Cost on the Purchase Invoice.

    2. After correcting the Unit Cost, repost the Purchase Invoice.

  2. If You Cannot Unpost the Purchase Invoice:

    • If the Purchase Invoice cannot be unposted (for example, if it has already been paid), follow these steps:

      • Create a Negative Adjustment: This will remove the invoiced inventory from your on-hand stock.

      • Create a Positive Adjustment: Add the inventory back to your stock using the corrected Unit Cost.

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