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GoldFinch and AS Integration Setups

Setup Accounting Seed

After the GoldFinch and Accounting Seed integration package is installed, navigate to the Company Setup page to check the Bypass Offset field.

GoldFinch and Accounting Seed integration is not enabled out of the box by default. Follow the screenshots below to enable the integration.

If you forgot to turn on Accounting Seed when you go live, and there are posted transactions in GoldFinch, you must follow these steps to sync GoldFinch transactions to Accounting Seed:

  1. Turn on Accounting Seed integration.

  2. Unpost Sales Invoices, then repost them

  3. Unpost Purchase Invoices, then repost them.

  4. Navigate to GL Entries, Pending Sync view.

    1. Select all GL Entries.

    2. Click Sync to Journal Entry.

    3. Navigate to Journal Entries in Accounting Seed and post them.

Master Data Sync

When GoldFinch is integrated with Accounting Seed, there are a few tables that are linked to provide a mapping between the two apps. When records are inserted, deleted, or modified in the following objects in Accounting Seed, the corresponding records will be updated in the GoldFinch objects.

  • Accounting Variables

  • Project 

  • Project Tasks

The 3 objects listed above are included in both the Accounting Seed app and the GoldFinch app. To minimize confusion, "GF" should be added to the name of the GoldFinch tabs to easily differentiate.

This is a one-way path. If records are inserted, deleted, or modified in these 4 GoldFinch objects, the Accounting Seed records will not be updated.  

You should delete records in these 3 GoldFinch objects before you update Accounting Seed to avoid duplicates.

By default, updates of GL Accounts in Accounting Seed are not copied to GoldFinch. You can manually update a few GL Accounts (less than 10) you need for inventory management in GoldFinch. Ensure the GL Account Names in GoldFinch match with those in Accounting Seed.

To integrate GL Accounts too, you can check GLA Integration in the Custom Setting. Updates of GL Accounts in Accounting Seed will be copied to GoldFinch automatically and you will not be allowed to update GL Accounts directly in GoldFinch.


The Salesforce Account object is used for both Customers and Vendors and is shared by both GoldFinch and Accounting Seed.  

The following additional fields are automatically updated when the GoldFinch Payment Terms field is updated (using a Process Builder: PaymentTermSync)

  • Billing Terms Name

  • Billing Days Due

  • Billing Discount %

  • Billing Discount Days Due

  • Payable Days Due

  • Payable Discount %

  • Payable Discount Days Due

Company Setup

Field Name


Bypass Offset

Must be checked

Default AS Rounding GL Account

Required for countries that require 3 decimals in ERP, such as Kuwait. AS only allows 2 decimals.

GL Integration Batch Size

No. of Journal Entry Lines allowed before the Journal Entry is posted.

Posting a Purchase Invoice

Users with permission to post Purchase Invoices in GoldFinch are allowed to create the corresponding Payable entry in Accounting Seed without requiring any changes to their permissions. 

When a Purchase Invoice is posted in GoldFinch, a Payable record is automatically created with the complete detailed GL Entries in Accounting Seed. These entries are linked and can be traced easily.

A daily scheduled routine exists to post any unposted Payables in the case that the user posting the corresponding GoldFinch Purchase Invoice does not have the required permissions to post the Payable entries. For more information on scheduling a routine, refer to the Scheduling the Daily Posting Job section on this page.

Posting a Sales Invoice

Users with permission to post Sales Invoices in GoldFinch are allowed to create the corresponding Billing entry in Accounting Seed without requiring any changes to their permissions. 

When a Sales Invoice is posted in GoldFinch, a Billing record is automatically created with the complete detailed GL Entries in Accounting Seed.  These entries are linked and can be traced easily.

As with Payables, a daily scheduled routine exists to post any unposted Billings in the case that the user posting the corresponding GoldFinch Sales Invoice does not have the required permissions to post Billing entries. For more information on scheduling a routine, refer to the Scheduling the Daily Posting Job section on this page.

GoldFinch does the following when posting a Sales Invoice with a Payment Term of Prepaid.

  • A Billing entry is NOT created in Accounting Seed

  • A Debit is posted to the Undeposited Cash Account setup in the Payment Term rather than the AR Account

  • A Credit is posted to the Sales Account

  • Read Process Customer Credit Card Payments for more details.

Additional GL Entries

Any additional GL Entries that are posted from Item Journals, Work Orders, and Cost Adjustments will be copied to Accounting Seed in a Journal Entry. The Journal Entry will be posted when it reaches the maximum allowed GL Integration Batch Size defined on the Company Setup, or posted by the nightly routine.

Scheduling the Daily Posting Job

You must schedule a job (AcctSeedGFSync) to post Billings, Payables, and Journal Entries that are created by GoldFinch automatically but cannot be posted due to permission issues.

This job must be scheduled with a user that has an Accounting Seed license assigned!

Additional Enhancements

  • Users are not allowed to unpost or delete Billings, Payables, or Journal Entries in Accounting Seed that were created and posted by the GoldFinch integration routine. Instead, users must unpost in GoldFinch.

  • Users are not allowed to change the Billing Date of Billings in Accounting Seed that was created by the GoldFinch integration routine.

  • Users are not allowed to change the Issue Date of Payables in Accounting Seed that was created by the GoldFinch integration routine.

  • When a Billing is posted, the Account Open Transactions table is updated and the AR Balance field on the Account is also automatically calculated.

    • To resync the AR Balance for all accounts, click the Resync AS AR Balance button in the Account list.

    • To resync the AR for selected accounts, select the accounts, then click Resync AS AR Balance button in the Account list.

    • All open billings will be inserted into the Account Open Transactions table.

  • The ability to apply credit memos to invoices has been added to the Cash Receipt function. You will have the option to select either the Apply Credit Memos or Apply Cash Receipt to Invoice buttons on the Cash Receipt page.

  • It is possible to enforce Date checking in Accounting Seed by selecting the Check AS Transaction Date checkbox in the GoldFinch Company Setup.

    • If this field is checked, the Billing Date, Issue Date, and Journal Dates must be within the Accounting Period defined for the corresponding transactions, and must also be within the Allowed Posting From and Allowed Posting To window defined in the GoldFinch Company Setup.

  • GoldFinch offers import templates and conversion programs to minimize the number of steps to import the beginning balances of the AR, AP, and GL. Contact a GoldFinch consultant for details.

If GL Ledger is blank in GoldFinch, the Default Ledger defined on the Accounting Setup of Accounting Seed is used when Billings, Payables, and Journal Entries are created from the integration. You will need to contact Accounting Seed to change the Default Ledger once transactions are posted against it.

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