Customer Ledger Entry
Field Label | Field Level Help | |
Aging | Automatically assigned by GoldFinch. Possible values: 0-Current, 1-30 Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, Over 90 Days, or Closed. | |
Amount | Sum of the Amount field on all associated Customer Detailed Entries. | |
Pending Applied Balance | Remaining Amount - Applied Payment - Applied Discount. Used before posting application. | |
Pending Applied Discount | The Discount Amount applied to the entry. Used before posting application. | |
Pending Applied Payment | The Payment Amount applied to the entry. Used before posting application. | |
Pending Applied-to CLE | The Customer Ledger entry that this entry is applied to. Used before posting application. | |
Customer Receipt | The Cash Receipt associated with the entry. | |
Customer Account | The Customer Account associated with the entry. | |
Correction | Indicates if the entry is a Correction. | |
Currency Code | The Currency Code associated with the entry. | |
Description | Area for entering details regarding the Customer Ledger Entry. | |
Discount Date | The discount date of the entry. | |
Document Date | The Document Date of the associated document. | |
Document No. | The Document No. associated with the entry. | |
Document Type | The type of document that created the entry. Possible values: Invoice, Payment, Cr. Memo, or Refund. | |
Due Date | The Due Date of the associated document. | |
Entry No. | no field | |
Customer PO No. | Used for referencing the associated document in external systems. | |
Gen. Journal Line | The specific General Journal Line associated with the Account Ledger Entry. | |
General Journal | The General Journal associated with the Account Ledger Entry. | |
GL Amount | Sum of the GL Amount field on all associated Account Detailed Entries. | |
GL Ledger | The GL Ledger associated with this Entry. | |
Payment Discount | The Payment Discount Amount given if the associated invoice is paid on or before the Payment Discount Date. | |
Payment Discount % | The Payment Discount % given if the associated invoice is paid on or before the Payment Discount Date. | |
Payment Terms | The Payment Terms for the associated transaction. | |
Pending Applied Balance | Remaining Amt. - Applied Payment - Applied Discount. Used before posting application. | |
Pending Applied Discount | The Discount Amt. applied to the Entry. | |
Pending Applied Payment | The Payment Amt. applied to the Entry. | x |
Pending Applied-to CLE | The Customer Ledger Entry that this Entry is applied to. | |
Posting Date | The date the entry is posted to the GL. | |
Purchase Invoice | The Purchase Invoice No. associated with the entry. | |
Remaining Amount | Sum of the Amount field on all associated Account Detailed Entries. | |
Remaining GL Amount | Sum of the Application GL Amt. field on all associate Customer Detailed Entries. | |
Sales Invoice | The Sales Invoice No. associated with the entry. |