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Customer Ledger Entry

Field Label

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Automatically assigned by GoldFinch. Possible values: 0-Current, 1-30 Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, Over 90 Days, or Closed.


Sum of the Amount field on all associated Customer Detailed Entries.

Pending Applied Balance

Remaining Amount - Applied Payment - Applied Discount. Used before posting application.

Pending Applied Discount

The Discount Amount applied to the entry. Used before posting application.

Pending Applied Payment

The Payment Amount applied to the entry. Used before posting application.

Pending Applied-to CLE

The Customer Ledger entry that this entry is applied to. Used before posting application.

Customer Receipt

The Cash Receipt associated with the entry.

Customer Account

The Customer Account associated with the entry.


Indicates if the entry is a Correction.

Currency Code

The Currency Code associated with the entry.


Area for entering details regarding the Customer Ledger Entry.

Discount Date

The discount date of the entry.

Document Date

The Document Date of the associated document.

Document No.

The Document No. associated with the entry.

Document Type

The type of document that created the entry. Possible values: Invoice, Payment, Cr. Memo, or Refund.

Due Date

The Due Date of the associated document.

Entry No.

no field

Customer PO No.

Used for referencing the associated document in external systems.

Gen. Journal Line

The specific General Journal Line associated with the Account Ledger Entry.

General Journal

The General Journal associated with the Account Ledger Entry.

GL Amount

Sum of the GL Amount field on all associated Account Detailed Entries.

GL Ledger

The GL Ledger associated with this Entry.

Payment Discount

The Payment Discount Amount given if the associated invoice is paid on or before the Payment Discount Date.

Payment Discount %

The Payment Discount % given if the associated invoice is paid on or before the Payment Discount Date.

Payment Terms

The Payment Terms for the associated transaction.

Pending Applied Balance

Remaining Amt. - Applied Payment - Applied Discount. Used before posting application.

Pending Applied Discount

The Discount Amt. applied to the Entry.

Pending Applied Payment

The Payment Amt. applied to the Entry.


Pending Applied-to CLE

The Customer Ledger Entry that this Entry is applied to.

Posting Date

The date the entry is posted to the GL.

Purchase Invoice

The Purchase Invoice No. associated with the entry.

Remaining Amount

Sum of the Amount field on all associated Account Detailed Entries.

Remaining GL Amount

Sum of the Application GL Amt. field on all associate Customer Detailed Entries.

Sales Invoice

The Sales Invoice No. associated with the entry.

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